Jonathan Cummings Jonathan Cummings

Earth Medicine

The man-made world can be completely chaotic and overwhelming. Things are moving at such an alarming rate and we don’t seem to be slowing down any. I’m an 80’s kid, so I’m young enough to remember an analog world. Film, typewriters, video tapes, and tape cassettes. I remember my family getting an answering machine when I was about 8 or 9 and I thought we were rich. It’s been crazy to witness the digital age overtake virtually all of our systems. The advancement of technology has been tremendous and good in most cases. Just think of the advancements in medicine, communication, and access to information! Everything is automated and instant, and so the business of life in the modern world speeds forth. It’s all GO GO GO!!! And so that’s what we do. We go go go. But what are we losing in the process? What important things are we losing connection with as we busy ourselves in this hurried pace?  How is it that life doesn’t actually seem to get any easier despite all of our technological breakthroughs? How can we have almost everything we want and still feel empty on the inside and frustrated with everything on the outside? We blame the politicians, the media, the “other side.”

Whenever I feel discouraged about the state of humanity or when I just need some inspiration, I like to venture off into the wilderness and recalibrate. I spend quiet time alone simply taking in the sights and sounds of the natural world and letting it work its magic, quieting my mind and soothing my soul. I break free from the disorder and dis-ease of society, and tune into the natural order of God’s green earth. This is home to me. This is where we’re from! We are children of the stars born from this Earth Mother and raised alongside all the plants and animals. We grew out of her and she’s nurtured us through our entire evolution. But somewhere along the way we started losing touch with our Mother and now we’ve lost touch with ourselves.

I believe that inside each of us our inner child is crying out for that reconnection and that’s why sunsets, full moons, and beautiful landscapes touch you on a soul level. You catch yourself staring at waves and ripples, clouds and rocks, flowers and leaves. Now more than ever we desperately need more people to stop and smell the flowers, and visit with trees. My own connection with nature has shown me my own soul purpose, which is to help people connect back to natural world and help them explore deeper into their own true nature. This is what I call The Wilderness Within, and I am delighted to be a guide for others. Thank you so much for being here with me and sharing the journey.

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